} Crítica Retrô: O Bobo da Corte (1955) / The Court Jester (1955)

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Saturday, March 4, 2023

O Bobo da Corte (1955) / The Court Jester (1955)


Há beleza na incompletude. Deixe-me explicar: não importa se assistimos a milhares de filmes, sempre tem algo faltando na nossa educação fílmica. Esses são pontos cegos que tentamos consertar, seja com resoluções de Ano Novo ou com simples promessas de “eu verei isso algum dia”. Eu sempre dizia para mim mesma que “eu verei “O Bobo da Corte” algum dia” para consertar meu ponto cego envolvendo Danny Kaye. E este “algum dia” finalmente chegou.

There is beauty in incompleteness. Let me explain: no matter if we watch thousands of movies, there is always something missing from our film education. These are the blind spots we try to fill, let this be with New Year’s resolutions or with simple promises of “I’ll watch it someday”. I kept saying to myself that “I’ll watch “The Court Jester” someday” as a way of filling my blindspot about Danny Kaye. And this “someday” finally arrived.

Na Inglaterra, há muitos séculos, o Rei Roderick (Cecil Parker) governa como um tirano. Ele subiu ao trono após um massacre liquidar com a Família Real, mas um membro da família sobreviveu: um bebê com uma marca de nascença que agora é cuidado por um grupo de camponeses e outras gentes do povo, cujo líder é o benfeitor Raposa Negra.

In England, many centuries ago, King Roderick (Cecil Parker) governs as a tyrant. He rose to the throne after a massacre swept the Royal Family, but one member of the family survived: an infant with a birthmark that is now taken care of by a group of peasants and simple people, whose leader is the do-gooder Black Fox.

Entre aqueles que tomam conta do jovem e legítimo herdeiro do trono, temos Hubert Hawkins (Danny Kaye) e a nobre Maid Jean (Glynis Johns). Seus caminhos cruzam com o do novo Bobo da Corte, e Jean vê uma oportunidade de ouro: colocar Hawkins no lugar do Bobo da Corte, para que ele possa entrar no castelo e ajudar, de dentro da corte, a tirar o Rei Roderick do trono. É assim que Hawkins se torna “Rei dos Animadores, Animador dos Reis”.

Among those who take care of the rightful young heir to the throne, there are Hubert Hawkins (Danny Kaye) and the noble Maid Jean (Glynis Johns). Their path crosses with the new Court Jester, and Maid Jean sees a golden opportunity: trade places between the jester and Hawkins, so he can enter the castle and help overthrow King Roderick from the inside of the court. This is how Hawkins becomes “King Of Jesters, Jester of Kings”.

Dentro do castelo, há intrigas acontecendo: Sir Ravenhurst (Basil Rathbone) quer mais poder e acredita que o novo Bobo da Corte está lá para ajudá-lo a tomar o poder. Enquanto isso, a Princesa Gwendolyn (Angela Lansbury) ouviu de sua criada que o novo Bobo da Corte é sua alma gêmea. Hawkins será enfeitiçado, o que torna sua missão mais caótica mas também mais divertida.

Inside the castle, there is intrigue going on: Sir Ravenhurst (Basil Rathbone) wants more power and believes the new Court Jester is there to help him seize this power. Meanwhile, Princess Gwendolyn (Angela Lansbury) has been told by her maid that the new Court Jester is her soulmate. Hawkins will be put under a spell, what makes his whole mission more chaotic and also more fun.

As canções estão presentes desde os créditos iniciais. As canções entretêm conforme são cantadas, mas não são “chiclete” - não ficam na nossa cabeça depois. Há apenas três canções principais no filme todo - o que cria o debate sobre se “O Bobo da Corte” pode ser chamado verdadeiramente de um filme musical - e minha favorita delas foi “Life Could Not Better Be”, cantada nos créditos iniciais. As canções foram compostas por Sammy Cahn e Sylvia Fine, que era esposa de Danny Kaye.

Songs are present starting in the opening credits. The songs are entertaining as they are being sung, but are not catchy- they don’t remain with us afterwards. There are only three main songs in the whole movie - which creates the debate about if “The Court Jester” could be called a true movie musical - and my favorite of them was “Life Could Not Better Be”, sung in the credits. The songs were composed by Sammy Cahn and Sylvia Fine, who was Danny Kaye’s wife.

Danny Kaye é excelente como o protagonista. Eu o havia visto apenas em papéis coadjuvantes, e este papel principal é perfeito para ele. Um dos meus momentos favoritos é a sequência de “estalar de dedos” no quarto da Princesa Gwendolyn. Também gostei da sequência de testes pelos quais Hawkins teve de passar para se tornar um cavaleiro. Entretanto, algumas piadas envolvendo jogos de palavras se perderam na tradução.

Danny Kaye is outstanding as the lead. I had only seen him in supporting roles, and this starring role is perfect for him. One of my favorite bits is the snapping sequence in Princess Gwendolyn’s chamber. I also liked the sequence of tests Hawkins had to pass in order to become a knight. A few jokes involving wordplay ended up lost in translation, though.

“O Bobo da Corte” foi completamente concebido - isto é, escrito, produzido e dirigido- por uma dupla: Melvin Frank e Norman Panama. Os dois se conheceram na Universidade de Chicago, onde Melvin estava estudando engenharia, mas foi convencido por Norman a trocar pelo curso de Inglês. Já formados e trabalhando juntos, eles escreviam gags para Bob Hope e Milton Berle no rádio, e logo foram contratados pelos estúdios Paramount para escreverem comédias. Eles trabalharam juntos até meados dos anos 1960, quando seguiram caminhos distintos: Melvin se tornou diretor e produtor solo, além de roteirista, e Norman trabalhou como diretor para filmes para a TV.

“The Court Jester” was entirely conceived - that is, written, produced and directed - by a duo: Melvin Frank and Norman Panama. The two met at the University of Chicago, where Melvin was pursuing an engineering degree, but was convinced by Norman to switch to English. Graduated and working together, they provided gags for Bob Hope and Milton Berle on radio, and soon were employed by Paramount Studios to write comedies. They worked together until the mid-1960s, when they went separate ways: Melvin became a solo director and producer, besides screenwriter, and Norman worked as director for made-for-TV movies.

Incrivelmente divertido e fonte de muitas risadas, “O Bobo da Corte” é realmente uma das melhores comédias feitas na era de ouro de Hollywood. Eu fiquei bem surpresa ao descobrir que o filme foi um fracasso nas bilheterias! Considerado - provavelmente com razão - o melhor filme de Danny Kaye, fico feliz em finalmente tê-lo visto, pois me diverti muito.

Incredibly entertaining and the source of many laughs, “The Court Jester” is truly one of the best comedies made in the golden age of Hollywood. I was quite surprised to learn that the film bombed at the box office! Considered - probably with reason - Danny Kaye’s best film, I’m glad I finally checked this movie, as I had a lot of fun watching it.

This is my contribution to the Danny Kaye blogathon, hosted by Erica at Poppity Talks Classic Film.


  1. What a fitting tribute to Danny, Le! :-)
    How touching to know that my blogathon finally gave you the chance to watch this film. It is definitely one of Danny's most beloved films and boy, what a great ensemble cast it had. Sylvia wrote a great deal of Danny's songs and bits that were very intricate in using the English language. Often times play on word jokes cannot be translated, so it was very good of you to note that. I have the same problem in French and even after nearly two decades living here, I am still stumped at times!
    It was such a please reading your review and it is obvious how much you enjoyed yourself. Danny was as good as a leading man as he was as a part of a duo. Have you seen any of his early stuff when he was with Goldwyn?
    My biggest thanks to you for your participation!

  2. Whoa – I did not realize this film wasn't successful when it was first released. I just did a quick online search, and it lost a LOT of money at the time, right? Funny how that is sometimes, with films that become favourites with later generations.

    Thanks for another terrific film review.

  3. I've heard of The Court Jester, but I've never even thought about seeing it -- until now! I'm really trying to expand my movie-watching horizons beyond film noir, pre-Code and westerns, and this one sounds like a perfect choice to help with that effort. Thanks, Le, for this first-rate write-up, and for convincing me to check out this Danny Kaye movie!

  4. Danny Kaye and Basil Rathbone together sounds intriguing. I'm going to have to look for this one. :-)
