} Crítica Retrô: Como ser blasé / How to be blasé

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Friday, October 14, 2016

Como ser blasé / How to be blasé

Blasé: Que manifesta tédio ou indiferença em relação a tudo” (definição do dicionário Caldas Aulete)

Blasé: “Unimpressed or indifferent to something because one has experienced or seen it so often before.” (taken from the Oxford Living Dictionaries)
Eu venho de uma família com um longo histórico não-blasé. Meu avô se preocupa com absolutamente tudo. Minha avó também, mas ela foca seus esforços de preocupação no clima e nas tarefas domésticas. Minha mãe também é relativamente preocupada. E durante muito tempo eu também fui perfeccionista, controladora, obcecada com boas notas e com que tudo saísse bem. Por isso, meu desejo sempre foi ser mais blasé.

I come from a family with a long non-blasé history. My grandfather worries about absolutely everything. So does my grandmother, but she usually focuses her worries on the weather and house chores. My mother is also relatively worried. And for a long time I was also a perfectionist, control-freak, obsessed about good grades and overall peace. That's why my secret wish has always been to be more blasé.
Clark Gable, ou melhor, Rhett Butler, era o rei do blasé. Não existe frase mais blasé proferida na história do cinema que sua fatídica última fala em “E o Vento Levou” (1939). Eu não queria ser exatamente como Rhett, mas sim viver com menos amarras e preocupações, sem neuras, sem ansiedade desnecessária. E o cinema desde cedo me mostrava as lições para uma vida mais leve.

Clark Gable, or better, Rhett Butler, was the king of blasé. There is no other sentence in movie history more blasé than his infamous last lime in “Gone with the Wind” (1939). My wish was no to be exactly like Rhett, but to live with less troubles and worries, without unnecessary anxiety. And the cinema, since the beginning, taught me the lessons for a lighter life.
Eu nasci em 1993. Um ano depois, a Disney lançava uma animação de primeira qualidade: “O Rei Leão”. Nele, a simpática dupla Timão e Pumba ensina ao jovem Simba algo indispensável para a sobrevivência dentro e fora da selva: a comer insetos a não se preocupar. Esta é a lição da música mais memorável do filme, e um mantra que eu deveria ter adotado para a vida desde cedo: Hakuna Matata, ou “não se preocupe” em swahili.

I was born in 1993. The following year Disney  released a first-rate animation: “The Lion King”. In it, the cool duo Timon and Pumbaa teaches young Simba something mandatory to survive in and outside the jungle: to eat insects to not worry. This is the lesson taught by the most remarkable song in the movie, and aa mantra that I should have followed in my life since I was young: Hakuna Matata, or “do not worry” in swahili.
Vamos voltar 60 anos no tempo, diretamente para 1934, ano em que estreia “A Ceia dos Acusados”. Nick e Nora Charles, os protagonistas, são extremamente blasés. Sim, eles resolvem todos os problemas e crimes, mas só depois de tomar um ou dois (ou seis) martínis. Nick e Nora têm um ao outro e têm muito, muito senso de humor. Só assim para não se importar com o que está escrito nos tabloides e sempre ter uma frase espirituosa na ponta da língua.

Let’s go 60 years back in time, directly to 1934, the year when “The Thin Man” premiered. Nick and Nora Charles, the protagonists, are extremely blasé. Yes, they solve all the problems and crimes, but only after drinking one or two (or six) martinis. Nick and Nora have each other, and they have an awful lot of good humor. Only with good humor they can care nothing about what is written in the tabloids and always think about great comebacks.
E eis que vem a Disney de novo com uma lição. Sim, eu esperei 13 anos por “Procurando Dory” e fui animadíssima ao cinema (tenho a mesma capacidade de concentração de Dory). E ali estava meu novo ídolo, o personagem mais blasé do século XXI: Geraldo, o leão-marinho. Aquele que ouve vários “nãos”, que é escorraçado, mas faz cara de paisagem, não fala nada e tem um plano na cabeça. Silenciosamente, ele coloca o plano em prática e consegue o que quer. Sempre com ar blasé, claro.

And then Disney teaches me one more lesson. Yes, I waited 13 years for “Finding Dory” and I went, ecstatic, to the movies (Dory and I have the same attention span). And there was my new idol, the most blasé character of the 21st century: Gerald, the sea lion. The one who hears several “no’s”, the one who is bullied and humiliated, but acts like nothing happened, says nothing and plans revenge his action. Silently, he works on his plan and gets what he wants. Always with a blasé attitude, of course.
Acho que consegui ser mais blasé. Deixar a vida me levar, ser mais leve. E, mais uma vez, devo tudo isso ao cinema.

I think I succeeded in being more blasé. In letting things flow in life, in being lighter and living with less pressure. And, once again, I owe all this to the movies.

This is my contribution to the Things I Learned from the Movies Blogathon, hosted by Ruth and Kristina at Silver Screenings and Speakeasy!


  1. First of all, I LOVE the title of this essay. I could learn to be more blasé as well, and these films certainly offer great instruction in the "Hakuna Matata" lifestyle. You've made me want to revisit ALL of them...in due time, of course. To rush out and watch them would not be blasé. ;)

    Le, thank you for joining the blogathon with one of the most important lessons in life.

  2. Well, I admit I've had 30+ more years on you to develop my blase attitude, and it didn't come from any movies (life made me this way). But I truly enjoyed the references, especially to Nick and Nora, who seem to have it all down to a science (chemistry, that is. the right combination of liquids to produce the desired results).

  3. The best characteristics of our favourite film characters can teach us a lot. With the best writers they could show us how to be cool and blase, and luckily you are learning how to call upon the trait when you need it. Brava! Another really fine article.

  4. I have a close friend whom I admire for this very trait. Not as easy as it looks.

  5. A marvelous lesson...one I could definitely benefit from learning, as well! In fact, your post was perfectly timed! :) Thanks for the great lesson and the great object lessons on how it's done.

  6. Always need lessons on chilling out, loved this and all the great examples. Thanks so much for joining us :)

  7. Excellent post, Le! That first Thin Man film always makes me sit down and watch it, wanting a martini even though I don't like them much at all. But, in the blasé lifestyle, you don't really care. It's a drink, and you drink it. Kind of like the "That's NOT water!" scene in The Goonies, in my case. :D

  8. Love this post and how you extracted lessons from the movies mentioned. It's also interesting because I have personally been accused of being entirely too blase about things and that I should take the opposite lesson from movies, lol. Really enjoyable read.

  9. I loved this post! I visited but wasn't able to comment. Great lesson (I think we could all use) and awesome variety of movies you chose. :-) And this had me cracking up: "Dory and I have the same attention span".
