} Crítica Retrô: A Dama, o Vagabundo e o espaguete / The Lady, the Tramp and the spaghetti

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Saturday, November 4, 2017

A Dama, o Vagabundo e o espaguete / The Lady, the Tramp and the spaghetti

Alguns momentos cinematográficos ficam para sempre nas nossas mentes. Gene Kelly cantando na chuva. Dorothy e seus amigos indo ver o maravilhoso mágico de Oz. Scarlett O’Hara prometendo nunca mais passar fome. O vestido branco de Marilyn sendo levantado pela corrente de ar. Audrey Hepburn tomando café da manhã na frente da joalheria Tiffany’s. E, claro, a Dama e o Vagabundo dividindo de maneira roântica um prato de espaguete.

Some movie moments are forever in our minds. Gene Kelly singing in the rain. Dorothy and her pals off to see the wonderful wizard of Oz. Scarlett O’Hara promising to never be hungry again. Marilyn’s white dress flying with the air current. Audrey Hepburn having her breakfast at Tiffany’s. And, of course, the Lady and the Tramp romantically sharing a plate full of spaghetti.
A história do filme é bem simples: Lady é uma cachorrinha mimada da raça Cocker Spaniel cuja rotina muda quando seus donos têm um bebê. Eles saem de viagem e deixam Lady e o bebê aos cuidados de Tia Sara e de seus dois malvados gatos siameses. Logo Lady encontra problemas. A Tia Sarah a leva para colocar uma focinheira, e Lasdy foge. Então ela encontra o Vagabundo, um vira-lata que sabe muito bem como se virar vivendo nas ruas. Na primeira noite juntos, eles dividem uma refeição romântica enquanto Toni, o dono do restaurante, canta “Bella Notte”.

The story of the film is pretty simple: Lady is a spoiled Cocker Spaniel whose routine is changed when her owners have a baby. They go on a trip, and leave Lady and the baby with Aunt Sarah and her two evil Siamese cats. Soon Lady is in trouble. Aunt Sarah takes her to put on a nose-piece, and Lady escapes. Then she meets the Tramp, a stray dog who knows how to survive in the streets. On their first night together, they share a romantic meal while Toni, the restaurant owner, sings “Bella Notte”.
Uma das cenas mais famosas na história da Disney quase foi cortada. Sim, o próprio Walt Disney achava que dois cachorros comendo espaguete era algo muito bobo para incluir no filme. Felizmente, o animador Frank Thomas trabalhou por conta própria na sequência, e o resultado deixou Disney impressionado. Frank Thomas havia sido responsável pela animação dos anões em “Branca de Neve e os Sete Anões” (1937) e em 1964 animaria ainda os pinguins dançarinos de “Mary Poppins”.

One of the most famous scenes in Disney history was almost cut. Yes, Walt Disney himself thought that two dogs eating spaghetti was something too silly to be in a movie. Luckily, animator Frank Thomas went on to animate the sequence alone, and the result left Disney impressed. Frank Thomas was already responsible for the animation of the Dwarfs in “Snow white and the Seven Dwarfs” (1937) and in 1964 would be the one to animate the dancing penguins in “Mary Poppins”.
A sequência ficou, e com o tempo passou a ser referenciada e parodiada muitas vezes. Em algumas ocasiões o espaguete com almôndegas (ou porpettas?) é substituído por outra comida, e em outras ocasiões todo o estilo da sequência famosa é copiado. Veja:

The sequence stayed, and afterwards was often referenced and parodied. In some occasions the spaghetti with meatballs is replaced by some other food, sometimes the whole mood of the sequence is copied. Take a look:

Hot Shots! (1991)
Lady and the Tramp 2 (2001)

More Simpsons
Gravity Falls (2013)

“A Dama e o Vagabundo” estreou em 1955. O filme é hoje considerado um dos maiores clássicos da Disney, graças à animação, ao formato CinemaScope, ao tratamento de temas como amor, companheirismo – e até sexo antes do casamento! – e, sem dúvida, graças à inesquecível cena do espaguete.

“Lady and the Tramp” was released in 1955. It is now regarded as a major Disney classic, because of the animation, the CinemaScope format, the themes of love, partnership – and even pre-marital sex! – and without a doubt because of the unforgettable spaghetti scene.

This is my contribution to the Food in Film blogathon, hosted by Ruth at Silver Screenings and Kristina at Speakeasy.


  1. Never would have thought of that scene. I remember going to see the movie in the theater during one of its re-releases when I was a kid.

  2. Excellent choice. I never knew how often this scene was parodied.

  3. I always crave spaghetti whenever I see this scene, or even a parody of this scene. (And, like Rich said, I can't believe how many times this scene has been parodied. You know something is a classic when...)

    So glad you chose this film, Le, for the blogathon. It truly is a classic, like you said, and it's resonated with generations of filmgoers. Thanks for joining us!

  4. Such a charming movie and article.

    Tramp eventually takes Lady to Tony's as he tells her about all the different places/homes where he gets his meals from generous folks. Mondays is Mama Schultz for Wienerschnitzel, and "of a Tuesday" it is the O'Brien place for corned beef.

  5. Such a great entry to the blogathon! I love this scene so much. There is so much cuteness in it, but it is a bit touching too. I cannot believe that this scene had a chance of not being in the movie at all. Great read.

  6. Yes, dogs eating food is a bit silly but this scene is so iconic! I'm glad Disney didn't cut it in the end. :) Great article!

  7. Nice choice! Super memorable scene, anything copied and paid homage to, that much, interesting to learn that it almost didn't make it into the movie! Thanks for taking part in the blogathon!

  8. Excellent post Le, and great choice for the blogathon. Don't forget to read my contrbution to the blogathon.


  9. Lady and the Tramp is such a good film, and this scene is just perfect for this blogathon! It's amazing that Walt almost cut the scene, I'm so glad that Frank Thomas went ahead with it anyway. I find that whole sequence--including the walk in the park afterward--to be one of the most romantic scenes in film history. Even though they are dogs :)
