} Crítica Retrô: Grace Kelly: a cobertura na imprensa de um casamento real

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Monday, November 12, 2018

Grace Kelly: a cobertura na imprensa de um casamento real

Grace Kelly: a Royal Wedding in the press

Não importa onde moramos ou se apoiamos a monarquia. Sempre que um membro da família real – em especial da família real britânica – se casa, nós paramos para ver. Algumas pessoas ficam 100% focadas no casamento, assistindo a tudo sobre ele na TV e procurando por souvenirs na internet. Outras ficam só curiosas, e dão uma olhadinha nas escolhas fashion dos convidados. Todos amamos casamentos reais porque eles são o que temos de mais próximo dos contos de fada.

It does matter where we live or if we support the monarchy. Whenever a member of a royal family – in special the English royal family – gets married, we pay attention to the event. Some people may be 100% invested in the wedding, watching it live on TV and looking for souvenirs online. Others may just be curious, and take a look at the fashion choices of the guests. We all love royal weddings because they are the closest thing from fairytales we have.

Por isso, não há dúvida de que o “casamento do século XX” foi um casamento real. O problema é que temos dois fortes candidatos ao título: o casamento de Grace Kelly com o príncipe Rainier III de Mônaco e o casamento do príncipe Charles com a Lady Diana Spencer. Hoje falaremos sobre o casamento de Grace Kelly.

So, there is no doubt if “the wedding of the 20th century” was a royal one. The problem is that we have two strong contenders for “the wedding of the 20th century”: Grace Kelly’s wedding to Prince Rainer III of Monaco and the wedding of Prince Charles to Lady Diana Spencer. Today we’ll talk about Grace Kelly’s wedding.

Em 19 de abril de 1956, o que aconteceu foi mais que um simples casamento real: foi a união de um membro da realeza do Velho Mundo, um príncipe, com um membro da nova realeza do Novo Mundo, uma superestrela de cinema. Nunca houve algo como isso antes – quer dizer, sim, Rita Hayworth se casou com um príncipe antes de Grace Kelly, mas seu marido era embaixador da ONU e filho de um sultão paquistanês, algo que não tem o mesmo status que a realeza europeia.
On April 19th 1956, what took place was more than a simple royal wedding: it was the union of a member of the Old Europe royalty, a prince, with a member of the New World new royalty, a movie superstar. There had never been anything like that – I mean, yes, Rita Hayworth was married to a prince before Grace Kelly, but her husband was a UN Ambassador and the son of a Pakistanis Sultan, which is not in the same status as European royalty.
Rita Hayworth and her royal husband
Por isso, o noivado de Grace Kelly, as preparações e, claro, a cerimônia foram manchete em jornais e revistas do mundo todo. Vamos ver como a imprensa cobriu os eventos:

So, Grace Kelly’s engagement, the preparations and of course the wedding made headlines in newspapers and magazines all over the world. Let’s take a look of how the press covered the events:

Hoje nós temos os filmes para TV do canal Lifetime para nos contar, usando atores desconhecidos, como William e Kate ou Harry e Meghan se conheceram, mas em 1956 havia outra maneira de contar o começo de um conto de fadas: artigos de revistas muito longos e detalhados.

Today we have Lifetime Movies to tell us, with the use of unknown actors, how William and Kate or Harry and Meghan met, but in 1956 there was another way to tell the beginning of the fairytale: very long and detailed magazine articles.

A revista Photoplay publicou dois artigos sobre como Rainier e Grace Kelly se conheceram. No artigo mais longo, escrito por Ruth Waterbury, ambos são descritos como pessoas muito independentes – o príncipe, por exemplo, só queria se casar se fosse por amor. Eles se conheceram em um breve ensaio fotográfico para a revista Paris Match feito durante o festival de Cannes. A partir daí a revista conta todas as paixões de Grace Kelly e as fofocas de Hollywood, para acabar onde o artigo começou: no anúncio do noivado.

Photoplay magazine ran two articles about Rainier and Kelly’s meeting and courtship. In the longest article, written by Ruth Waterbury, both are described as very independent people – the prince, for example, only wanted to marry for love. They first met in a brief photo shoot for the magazine Paris Match in Cannes. Then the magazine chronicles all of Grace Kelly’s loves and gossips in Hollywood, to end up where the article began: the announcement of the engagement.

When Grace met Rainier for the Paris Match shoot

O outro artigo da Photoplay foi escrito por Helen Bolstad. Tem basicamente o mesmo conteúdo, sobre o passado de Rainier e Grace Kelly até o noivado. Este artigo tem mais imagens.

The other article on Photoplay was written by Helen Bolstad. It’s basically the same content, about Rainier’s and Kelly’s past until the engagement. This article has many more images.

O jornal brasileiro Diário de Notícias do Rio de Janeiro falou sobre as preparações para o casamento. A nota diz que Grace Kelly acordou às 8 da manhã no palácio, assistiu à missa e supervisionou os preparativos durante a manhã. Os repórteres procuravam por detalhes para escrever nos jardins do palácio, enquanto a guarda desfilava.

The Brazilian newspaper Diário de Notícias do Rio de Janeiro (or News Diary) talks about the wedding preparations. It says Grace woke up at 8 am at the palace, went to the Mass and oversaw the preparations all morning long. The reporters look for news to write about in the palace gardens, while the Guard parades.

E o jornal Tribuna da Imprensa decidiu escrever brevemente sobre o reverendo que iria realizar o casamento:

And the newspaper Tribuna da Imprensa (or Press Tribune) decided to write briefly about the reverend that would officiate the wedding:

A revista American Motion Picture Herald fala dos planos para produzir especiais de TV sobre o casamento e como o evento fez o festival de Cannes ser adiado naquele ano:

The American Motion Picture Herald talks about plans to produce TV specials about the wedding and how the event postponed the Cannes film festival that year:

Outro jornal brasileiro, A Noite, publicou esta foto de Grace e Rainier depois da cerimônia civil e comentou sobre o bolo servido aos convidados:

Another Brazilian newspaper, A Noite (or The Night) published this photo of Grace and Rainer after the civil ceremony and talked about the cake they served the guests:

Finalmente, o jornal O Dia do Paraná falou da possibilidade de Grace Kelly seguir com a carreira de atriz – o pai dela havia dito que ela ainda estava pensando nisso – enquanto ela estava na lua de mel em um iate. O príncipe Rainier III não gostava da ideia de sua esposa voltar a Hollywood – e de fato ela não voltou.

Finally, this newspaper called O Dia do Paraná (or The Day, from the state of Paraná) talked about the possibility of Grace Kelly keeping on making films – her father said she was still thinking about it – while she was on her honeymoon on a yacht. Prince Rainier III didn’t like the idea of his wife going back to Hollywood – and in fact she didn’t.

O casamento também foi assunto de um especial de notícias da Pathé – visto abaixo – e um especial de 30 minutos da MGM. Mas isso é assunto para outra hora...

The wedding was also the subject of a Pathé newsreel – seen below – and a 30-minute MGM special. But this is subject for another time…

This is my contribution to the 4th Wonderful Grace Kelly blogathon, hosted by Virginie at The Wonderful World of Cinema and Emily at The Flapper Dame.


  1. This was so interesting! An original idea for the blogathon! I'm glad I could provide a few articles to help. But it's great you didn't only use American articles so we could see how the event was seen from different perspectives.

    Yes I was surprised when I first read the Photoplay magazine a « movie star magazine » how the text could be long! But it’s very interesting and detailed. We don’t find that much nowadays.

    Thanks a lot for your participation to our blogathon!

  2. I really love reading old newspaper clippings and magazines! So this was super cool and unique to bring to the blogathon! The royal wedding is always an occasion and I always wonder why Albert II's wedding never got more coverage. If I were alive for Grace's wedding I would have been eating up the magazines and Radio coverage!!!! Thanks for writing in the blogathon and I will see you at the next one!!

  3. Do you know what I noticed for the first time looking at the articles you featured? Prince Ranier (at least in profile) looks a little bit like Clark Gable. Strange...

  4. We still find magic in that wedding. You chose a lovely aspect of Her Serene Highness to contribute to the blogathon.

  5. I don't care what people think, royal weddings are so fun to watch! What we lost in Grace Kelly the actress we gained in Grace Kelly the princess, and she must've done so much for the world in that role. What a wonderful representative for Monaco to gain. Great post!
