} Crítica Retrô: Announcing the Jack Lemmon blogathon

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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Announcing the Jack Lemmon blogathon

Jack Lemmon was his name, acting wonderfully was his game. He shined in both drama and comedy. He is best remembered by his role in “Some Like It Hot” (1959), but he also won two Oscars, four Golden Globes, two Emmys, three BAFTAs and two Cannes prizes for Best Actor. He was born inside an elevator, went to Harvard, served the Marine, was a self-taught pianist, was Billy Wilder’s favorite and Walter Matthau’s best friend. SO. MUCH. AWESOMENESS.
That’s why I had to jump on the bandwagon when my friend Rich of Wide Screen World invited me, of all bloggers, to co-host a blogathon in honor of Jack Lemmon.

To maximize the fun, we minimized the rules:

Choose a film, a topic, an anecdote. Duplicates are allowed.
Get in touch with us via blog or Twitter (me, @startspreading / Rich, @ratzo318)
Grab a banner if you like (we appreciate the support)

Publish your post when the time comes and send us the links!

The roster so far:

Critica Retrô – 12 Angry Men (1997 TV movie)
Wide Screen World – The Out of Towners (1970)
A Shroud of Thoughts – The Apartment (1960)
The Old Hollywood Garden – It Should Happen to You (1954)
Paula’s Cinema Club – It Happened to Jane (1959)
Love Letters to Old Hollywood – Bell, Book and Candle (1958) 
Caftan Woman – Avanti! (1972)
Outspoken & Freckled – Mister Roberts (1955)
Old Hollywood Films – The Odd Couple (1968)
Moon in Gemini – Some Like It Hot (1959)
The Midnite Drive-In – How to Murder Your Wife (1965) 
Movies, Silently – The Great Race (1965)
Silver Screenings – The China Syndrome (1979)
Cinema Cities – Days of Wine and Roses (1962)
Realweegiemidget Reviews – Airport 77 (1977)
Cary Grant won’t eat you – The Fortune Cookie (1966)
The Wonderful World of Cinema – Irma La Douce (1963) 
Musings of a Classic Film Addict – You Can’t Run Away from It (1956)
The Stop Button – Short Cuts (1993)
Crimson Kimono – Missing (1982)
D Movies Blog – Days of Wine and Roses (1962)

Charlene’s (Mostly) Classic Movies Reviews – Glengarry Glen Ross (1992)


  1. Heya!
    Could I do It Should Happen to You (1954)?


  2. Great idea for a blogathon! How about IT HAPPENED TO JANE?

  3. I've never seen that one. Good call.

  4. Although I'd love to do about five, I'm gonna have to stick with one: Bell, Book, and Candle. Maybe if I think I'll have more time as the dates get closer I can choose a second. Should be a great event!


  5. More than one would be terrific.

  6. Can't believe no one has picked Some Like it Hot yet! Put me down for it, please!

    Moon in Gemini: https://debravega.wordpress.com/

  7. Someone had to do it. Might as well be you.

  8. Hi Le and Rich – great idea! Can you put me down for "The China Syndrome" (1979)?

    Silver Screenings: https://silverscreenings.org/

  9. Fantastic idea for a blogathon! I'd love to write about Days of Wine and Roses.

    I'm at Cinema Cities: https://cinemacities.wordpress.com/

  10. Hi there sweetie,

    Love to join your blogathon (fab idea btw), can I put in a review of him in Airport 77?

    My blog, https://weegiemidget.wordpress.com/

    Thanks, Gill from Realweegiemidget Reviews

  11. Has anyone snatched up Fortune Cookie yet?

  12. Hi Leticia! I would like to go with Irma la Douce :)
    My blog is The Wonderful World of Cinema

  13. Hi, I'd like to do SHORT CUTS for The Stop Button (www.thestopbutton.com)

  14. Go for it. Thanks for joining.

  15. I would like to cover MISSING (1982) where Jack's character investigates his son's death after a military coup. Dan http://crimsonkimono.com

  16. Hot diggity! Great idea! I'd like to claim "Good Neighbor Sam" ( 1964 ) and "The Great Race" ( 1965 )....two personal favorites. - Constance Metzinger ( Silver Scenes )

  17. Well, since duplicates are allowed, can I also do "Days of Wine and Roses" (1962)? Many thanks.
    I am Diana from dbmoviesblog: https://dbmoviesblog.wordpress.com/

  18. Awesome idea! I am such a huge Jack Lemmon fan. Can I please write about "Glengarry Glen Ross" (1992)? Please let me know and thanks! I am Charlene from Charlene's (Mostly) Classic Movie Reviews: https://charsmoviereviews.wordpress.com/

  19. Hey, I went ahead and posted my entry a few days early:

    Thanks for co-hosting this! I'm really looking forward to reading the other posts!

  20. Hello, here is also my contribution to the blogathon - https://dbmoviesblog.wordpress.com/2017/03/29/the-jack-lemmon-blogathon-days-of-wine-and-roses-1962/
    Such a great idea to celebrate the work of the amazing actor! Thanks!

  21. Hey! I have my Jack Lemmon post for the blogathon here: https://charsmoviereviews.wordpress.com/2017/03/29/glengarry-glen-ross-1992/
    I can't wait to read other blogathon entries! :)


  22. Bom Dia! I have posted my entry to the blogathon. Hope you like it.


  23. Post is up at the Stop Button! Thanks for hosting :) More Jack Lemmon the better.


  24. Hi, here's my post for the blogathon x thanks for hosting, https://weegiemidget.wordpress.com/guilty-pleasures/airport-77/
    Gill From Realweegiemidget Reviews
