} Crítica Retrô: Resoluções cinematográficas 2017 / 12 classics for 2017

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Friday, January 6, 2017

Resoluções cinematográficas 2017 / 12 classics for 2017

There are certain things that are like an addiction. Making lists is one of them. Who doesn’t love to make lists? That’s why, once again, I did my list of 12 classics I’ll see for the first time in 2017. This tradition was originated by some blogging friends, like Raquel and Laura, and now there is an organized event called Blind Spot at The Matinee for the bloggers who want to watch and review one new film a month. 

Without further ado, here’s my 12 classics for 2017:

Judith of Bethulia (1914)
Himmelskibet (1918)
Destiny (1921)
L’inhumaine (1924)
Uma Página de Loucura / A Page of Madness (1926)
Aurora / Sunrise (1927)
Cilada Amorosa / The Love Trap (1929)
Ver para Crer / Why Be Good? (1929)
O Presídio / The Big House (1930)
O Poder e a Glória / The Power and the Glory (1933)
A Mulher de Branco / Woman in White (1948)
Papai é do Contra / Hobson’s Choice (1954)


  1. I enjoyed seeing your list, Le! I'm including a link to it at the end of my post of this year's list.

    I hope you enjoy WHY BE GOOD? which I found a lot of fun. :)

    Happy 2017!

    Best wishes,

  2. Good ones, agree with Laura that WHY BE GOOD? is fun, also SUNRISE is beautiful and I love HOBSON'S CHOICE. Have fun!
