Nasceu em Ontario, Canadá em 9 de novembro de
1868 e faleceu em 28 de julho de 1934. Seu nome de batismo era Leila Marie
She was Born in Ontario, Canada, on November 9th
1868, and passed away on July 28th 1934. Her real name was Leila
Maria Koerber.
· Seu pai era músico e a mãe gostava de apresentar
pequenas peças para a comunidade. Aos cinco anos, Leila subiu ao palco pela
primeira vez, interpretando um querubim. Entretanto, a cortina do teatro a
derrubou, e o riso da plateia causou na criança a primeira impressão de que
tinha talento para a comédia.
· Her father was a musician and her mother used
to put together small theater plays for the neighborhood. At age five, Leila
played an angel in her first stage role. However, legend tells us that she was
knocked over by the theater curtain, and as she heard the audience laughing she
realized she had talent for comedy.
· Juntou-se a um grupo de teatro aos 14 anos, após
enviar uma carta pedindo emprego (e mentindo dizendo que tinha 18 anos). Aos
24, estava na Broadway.
· She joined a theater group when she was 14
when she sent a letter asking for a job (she claimed to be 18 to join). At 24,
she was on Broadway.
· Copiou o nome Marie Dressler de uma tia, para não
usar seu nome verdadeiro, pois o pai a tinha proibido de se juntar ao teatro.
· She took the name Marie Dressler from an aunt,
because her father forbade her to join the theater and then she couldn’t use
her real name on the stage.
· Por ser geralmente a mulher mais alta da
companhia de teatro, Marie interpretava rainhas (e até reis!) com frequência.
Ela faz uma paródia vestida de rainha em “Hollywood Revue of 1929”.
· She was usually the tallest woman in the
theater company, and because of that she often played queens (and even kings!).
She dressed as a queen for a parody sketch in “The Hollywood Revue of 1929”.
· No teatro, Marie sempre desenhava e costurava seu
figurino, apostando em um visual cômico. Ela também cantava em muitas ocasiões,
como pode ser ouvido nessas gravações de 1910.
· In the theater, Marie always created and sewed
her gowns, focusing on a comic look. She also sang often, as you can hear int his 1910 recordings.
· Estreou no cinema em 1914, aos 45 anos,
protagonizando “Tillie’s Punctured Romance”, o primeiro longa-metragem de
comédia romântica. Deste filme também participaram Charles Chaplin e Mabel
· She entered the movie world in 1914, at age
45, as the lead of “Tillie’s Punctured Romance”, the first romantic comedy
feature film. Also in this film were Charles Chaplin and Mabel Normand.
· Em 1917, escreveu, dirigiu e estrelou o curta
· In 1917, she wrote, directed and starred in
the short film “Fired”.
· Participou da venda de bônus de guerra com
Chaplin e Mary Pickford durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial.
· She took part in the war bonus sell with Charles
Chaplin and Mary Pickford during World War I.
· De 1918 a 1927, não fez nenhum filme e morou de
favor no Ritz Hotel em Nova York. Muitas vezes ela se apresentava no bar do
· From 1918 to 1927, she didn’t do any films and
lived at the Ritz Hotel in New York as a favor. In many occasions she did small
shows at the bar of the hotel.
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Marie e Chaplin no set de "Shoulder Arms" (1918) |
· Ela queria abrir um restaurante em Paris, mas foi
convencida por uma astróloga a ficar nos EUA, porque lá Marie teria “sete anos
de sorte, começando em 1927”.
· Her dream was to open a restaurant in Paris,
but she was convinced by an astrologist to saty in the USA. The astrologist
said that, in the USA, Marie would have “seven years of good luck, starting in
· Sua carreira ressuscitou graças à amiga e
roteirista Frances Marion. Conta-se que Frances convidou Marie para voltar às
telas em 1927, exatamente no dia em que, segundo algumas fontes, Marie
planejava cometer suicídio.
· Her career had a fresh restart thanks to her
friend, screenwriter Frances Marion. It is told that Frances invited Marie to
return to film in 1927, exactly on the day that, according to some sources,
Marie was planning to commit suicide.
· Louis B. Mayer adorava Marie e foi um dos grandes
incentivadores da retomada de sua carreira.
· Louis B. Mayer adored Marie and was one of the
biggest supporters of her film comeback.
· O papel que a levou ao estrelato foi o de Marthy
em “Anna Christie” (1930). O público, os críticos e a protagonista Greta Garbo
ficaram impressionados com a performance de Marie.
· The role that made her a star was Marthy in “Anna
Christie” (1930). The audience, the critics and the leading lady Greta Garbo
were all impressed by Marie’s performance.
Em “O Lírio do Lodo” (1931), ela interpreta Min,
a proprietária de um bar nas docas que quer o melhor para a filha adotiva Nancy
(Dorothy Jordan), e é capaz de tudo para ver a menina feliz.
In “Min and Bill” (1931), she plays Min, the
owner of a bar at the docks who wants the best to her adoptive daughter Nancy
(Dorothy Jordan), and will do anything to see the girl happy.
Ganhou o Oscar um dia depois de seu aniversário
de 63 anos. Quando Marie foi chamada ao palco, o jovem Jackie Cooper, indicado
ao Oscar de Melhor Ator com apenas nove anos de idade, estava dormindo no colo
de Marie e teve de ser tirado de lá para que ela fosse receber o prêmio.
She won the Oscar a day after she turned 63. When
Marie was called to the stage, young Jackie Cooper, nominated as Best Actor at
age nine, was sleeping in her lap and had to be awake so Marie could receive
her prize.
· Uma de suas mais lembradas performances foi em
“Jantar às Oito” (1933), em que tem um diálogo “singelo” com Jean Harlow.
· One of her best remembered roles is in “Dinner
at Eight” (1933), in which she has a “cute” exchange with Jean Harlow.
· Foi eleita por três anos consecutivos a atriz
mais popular pelos responsáveis pela bilheteria.
· She was chosen for three years in a roll as
the most popular actress by box-office.
· Apareceu na capa da revista Time em 7 de agosto
de 1933.
· She was on the cover of Times magazine on
August 7th, 1933.
· Publicou uma autobiografia, “My Own Story”, em
· She published an autobiography, “My Own Story”,
· Pouco se sabe sobre sua vida pessoal. Em meados
dos anos 1890, casou-se com George Hoppert, empregado do teatro onde
trabalhava. Com o casamento, Marie se tornou cidadã norte-americana. Um jornal
diz que ela teve uma filha, que faleceu ainda criança. Em 1907 ela conheceu o
empresário James Dalton, que montou um casamento falso para os dois no ano
seguinte. Marie e James viveram juntos até a morte dele em 1921.
· Little is known about her personal life. In
the 1890s, she married George Hoppert, employee in the theater she also worked
in. With the wedding, Marie earned American citizenship. A newspaper clipping
said she had a daughter who died as an infant. In 1907 she met businessman
James Dalton, who set a fake wedding for them the following year. Marie and
James lived together until he passed away in 1921.
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Lionel Barrymore, Marie e Norma Shearer |
· Sem “porte” para ser uma estrela de cinema, numa
Hollywood muito parecida com a atual, em que juventude parece valer mais que
qualquer virtude, Marie provou que seu talento valia mais que a aparência e
conquistou, merecidamente, o Oscar e as plateias.
· Without the looks of a movie star, in a
Hollywood context that also valued youth more than any other virtue, Marie
proved that her talent was worth more than her looks and conquered, with merit,
the Oscar and the audiences.
This is my contribution for the O Canada! Blogathon, hosted by lovely duo Kristina of Speakeasy and Ruth of Silver Screenings. :D
Uma pioneira, com certeza!
Belo post, Lê. <3
Beijos <3
parabéns pelo post. adorei. e as fotos são demais. eu falei de um filme com alain delon e romy schneider no meu blog. beijos, pedrita
Thank you SO MUCH for this mini-biography of Marie Dressler. I didn't know half the information you presented.
This was a wonderful tribute to this talented woman. The blogathon would not be complete without our dear Marie.
Thanks for this interesting collection of info, I didn't know most of this either Near me there is a Marie Dressler Foundation that has a silent film festival! Thanks for being part of this event with such an important figure :)
Lê, te desejo uma ótima semana!
Beijos <3
Engraçado, não conhecia ela, nem nada da vida dela, mas já tinha visto esse nome em algum lugar e talvez também a capa da Times!
cliquei em publicar antes de terminar!)
Mas sempre bom saber da história de mais mulheres talentosas nesse mundo artístico, né?
Beijos! <3
Wonderful reminder of the talented Miss Dressler. Her hometown in Coburg, Ontario has a museum in her honour and a yearly vintage film festival in October.
Le, I'll admit I mostly knew about Marie Dressler from her Oscar winner MIN AND BILL and DINNER AT DINNER AT 8! I'm glad that the O CANADA has helped me to learn more about her! :-D Have a wonderful weekend! :-D
Great post on an actress I actually knew very little about, but it's good to see that she's celebrated in her home country. I mostly knew about her from Dinner at 8 (which is fabulous!) but I'll certainly be looking out for more movies.
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