} Crítica Retrô: Frank e Ava: uma história de amor

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Saturday, April 23, 2016

Frank e Ava: uma história de amor

Era uma vez Francis Albert Sinatra, nascido em Hoboken em dezembro de 1915, com uma voz maravilhosa e belos olhos azuis. No começo dos anos 40, ele atraiu multidões para seus shows, e logo depois estreou no cinema. Era uma vez Ava Lavinia Gardner, nascida na Carolina do Norte em dezembro de 1922, uma garota da fazenda cuja beleza foi notada por Hollywood e pouco aproveitada nos primeiros anos. O casal mais bonito do século XX era assim formado.

Once upon a time there was Francis Albert Sinatra, born in Hoboken in December 1915, with a marvelous voice and gorgeous blue eyes. In the early 1940s, he attracted crowds to his shows, and right after he became a movie star. Once upon a time there was Ava Lavinia Gardner,born in North Carolina in December 1922, a country girl whose beauty was noticed by Hollywood and was underused during her first years there. These were the ingredients of the prettiest couple of the 20th century.
O relacionamento de Frank e Ava poderia ser contado de muitas maneiras. Seria possível criar um reality show barato e de qualidade questionável em cima das brigas do casal. Seria possível encher um livro de fofocas sobre eles. Seria possível contar histórias impressionantes e proibidas para menores de 18 anos. Mas este blog não foi, não é e nunca será, um espaço para fofoca. Hollywood Babylon é outra coisa. O foco aqui será nos momentos bons do casal, aqueles momentos que ficam marcados na memória e que foram os responsáveis pela paixão eterna entre Frank e Ava.

Frank and Ava's relationship could be recounted in many ways. A cheap reality show could be created with their quarrels. A book could be written about them. Impressive X-rated stories could be told. But this blog isn't, has never been and will never be a place for gossip. Hollywood Babylon is somewhere else. Our focus here will be the good moments the couple shared, the ones responsible for their never ending passion.

Em 1948, Frank e Ava já haviam se encontrado algumas vezes. A primeira vez foi em 1940, quando Ava tinha acabado de chegar a Hollywood. Frank se lembra de que a considerou bonita, mas jovem demais para ele. Três anos depois, eles dançaram juntos em uma festa, mas Frank estava acompanhado de Lana Turner, e Ava, de Howard Hughes.

In 1948, Frank and Ava had met each other a few times already. The first one was in 1940, and Ava had just arrived in Hollywood. Frank remembered that he thought she was pretty, but too young. Three years later, they danced together in a party, but Frank was with Lana Turner and Ava with Howard Hughes.  
Em 1948, Ava Gardner já havia se casado duas vezes: primeiro com Mickey Rooney, depois com Artie Shaw. Os dois casamentos acabaram em divórcio. Em 1948, Frank estava ainda em seu primeiro casamento, e sua filha mais nova, Tina, tinha acabado de nascer. Em uma noite fatídica de 1948, Frank estava no terraço de sua cobertura em Hollywood e o amigo e compositor Sammy Cahn apontou a casa de Ava, descendo a Sunset Strip.

In 1948, Ava Gardner had already married twice: with Mickey Rooney, then with Artie Shaw. Both marriages ended in divorce. In 1948 Frank was still in his first marriage, and his younger daughter  Tina had just been born. In a fatidic night in 1948, Frank was in the balcony in his Hollywood penthouse, and his friend, composer Sammy Cahn, pointed to Ava's house, that was down Sunset Strip.

Maliciosamente, Frank a chamou, e a inconfundível voz de veludo foi reconhecida. Ava apareceu na janela e acenou. Dias depois eles se encontraram pessoalmente e começaram a sair. Em 1950, Frank se divorciou de sua esposa Nancy. Em 1951, ele e Ava se casaram em uma pequena cerimônia.

With malice, Frank called her, and his unmistakable voice was recognized. Ava waved from her window. A few days later they met and started to date. In 1950  Frank divorced his wife Nancy. In 1951, he and Ava had a small wedding ceremony.
Frank e Ava eram como dois compostos químicos, que até se misturavam, mas logo causavam uma violenta reação. Foi um relacionamento explosivo desde o começo, com sexo, álcool, traições, discussões e pedidos de desculpa. Para Frank Sinatra e Ava Gardner, a vida deveria ser encarada de maneira intensa.

Frank and Ava were like two chemical substances. They could even mix, but a violent reaction would follow. It was an explosive relationship since the beginning, with sex, alcohol, betrayal, arguments and apologies. In Frank's and Ava's opinions, life should be lived with intensity.

Quando o casamento começou a ruir, parecia a história de “Nasce uma Estrela”: a esposa ia conquistando mais e mais sucesso, enquanto o marido perdia seu lugar no show business. À frente de Ava estavam papéis icônicos em “Mogambo” (1953) e “A Condessa Descalça” (1954). Frank estava longe do cinema desde 1951, e via sua popularidade minguando com o surgimento do rock’n roll.

When the marriage started to go down, it was like the storyline of “A Star is Born”: the wife was becoming more and more successful, while the husband lost his place in show business. Ava would soon act in iconic films such as “Mogambo” (1953) and “The Barefoot Contessa” (1954). Frank didn't make a movie since 1951 and his popularity as a musician was going down with the rise of rock'n roll.
Em 1953, Sinatra conseguiu, graças à esposa, um papel no filme “A um Passo da Eternidade / From Here to Eternity”, que deu nova vida à sua carreira e lhe rendeu um Oscar. Na mesma época, Ava foi filmar na Europa. O relacionamento já cambaleava, e em 1954 Ava pediu o divórcio.

In 1953, thanks to his wife, Sinatra landed a part in the movie “From Here to Eternity”, the one that gave new life to his career and gave him an Oscar. At the same time, Ava went to work in Europe. The relationship was deteriorating, and in 1954 Ava asked for the divorce.

A separação definitiva só veio em 1957. Até lá, e mesmo depois, os encontros amorosos não pararam, muito menos as brigas. Frank e Ava continuaram próximos até a morte dela.

Definitive separation only came in 1957. Until there, and even later, the romantic dates and the fights didn't stop. Frank and Ava remained close until her death.

Do relacionamento sobrou um amor imenso e a paixão de Ava por Corgis. No Natal de 1953, Frank deu a Ava um Corgi, que batizou de Rags, e a partir daí esta se tornou a raça de cão favorita de Ava. Ela nunca mais dispensou a companhia dos Corgis. Após sua morte, em 1990, seu último cachorro, Morgan, foi viver com o amigo de Ava, Gregory Peck.

From the relationship there was left a huge love and Ava's passion for corgis. On Christmas Day, 1953, Frank gave Ava a corgi named Rags, and from then on the corgis became Ava's favorite dog breed. She never again was seen without a corgi. After her death, in 1990, her last dog, Morgan, went to live with her close friend Gregory Peck.
Ava Gardner nunca mais se casou. Frank Sinatra se casou mais duas vezes. Eles, entretanto, nunca esqueceram um do outro, e jamais superaram a separação. Frank e Ava são um caso não tão raro de um par perfeito arruinado pelo casamento. O casal mais bonito e explosivo de Hollywood não viveu feliz para sempre, mas o amor nunca acabou.

Ava Gardner never remarried. Frank Sinatra married two other times. Nevertheless, they never forgot each other, and never got over the separation. Frank and Ava are a not so rare case of a perfect match ruined by marriage. The prettiest and most explosive couple in Hollywood didn't live happily ever after, but there was always love.

*As informações deste post foram obtidas de textos escritos por James Kaplan, biógrafo de Frank Sinatra.

*Information in this post was taken from texts by Frank Sinatra's biographer James Kaplan.

This is my contribution to the Star-Studded Couple Blogathon, hosted by Laura at Phyllis Loves Classic Movies.


Hugo said...

Se vivessem nos dias de hoje, seriam alvos fáceis para a mídia especializada em fofocas e escândalos.


Unknown said...

I always thought Frank and Ava were a fascinating couple. Like you said, they were intensely explosive but there was also so much passion between them. I'm glad they continued to love one another and stay friends throughout their lifetimes. Great piece!

Flapper Dame 16 said...

Aww too sweet- Frank and Ava really did love each other- I love the fact Ava always kept a piece of him with Corgis and Frank always kept a pic of Ava on his dressing room mirror! truly they still loved each other long after the split! Awesome work!

Phyl said...

Great post! So glad you focused on the beauty of their relationship. I read a little bit about them in Sinatra's biography which I had checked out to write about his relationship with Lauren Bacall. I had also just seen Mogambo, my first, and so far only, Ava Gardner film. It's so sad when the career of one spouse damages the relationship.

Thanks for your participation in this blogathon! Looking forward to your entry for the Olivia de Havilland blogathon!

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