} Crítica Retrô: Gene Kelly: o mago da dança

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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Gene Kelly: o mago da dança

Diz o ditado que uma imagem vale mais que mil palavras. Um vídeo, então, deve valer mais que um milhão de palavras. O que eu sei é que todo vídeo de Gene Kelly dançando me deixa sem palavras. Por isso vou deixar o próprio Gene maravilhar vocês hoje. Os vídeos foram editados por mim.

It's known that a picture is worth a thousand words. Then, a video should be worth more than a million words. I only know that whenever I see a video of Gene Kelly dancing, the words escape me. That's why today Gene will be the one amazing you.
The videos below were all edited by me.

This is my contribution to the GottaDance! Blogathon, hosted by Bonnie at Classic Reel Girl.


Bonnie said...

Thank you for taking the time to put this together for my blogathon. So much emotion comes through Gene Kelly and Vera-Ellen's On the Town number--first euphoria, then longing and sadness. Kelly and the cartoons make me smile and you can't go wrong with Astaire/Kelly duo. =)
Hugs, Bonnie

Virginie Pronovost said...

Gene Kelly never really was a favourite as an actor, but as a dancer yes! He's simply amazing!
Thanks Leticia :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the video! They really do say more than a million words! I'm not sure there are words to fully describe the genius of dance and Gene Kelly.


Maravilhoso Gene!

Anonymous said...

Love the dances you highlighted! The one from On the Town in particular is one my favorite Gene Kelly numbers, his dancing with Vera-Ellen was really beautiful.

Flapper Dame 16 said...

I have only seen Singing in the rain- must see other Gene films!

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