} Crítica Retrô: O Ódio é Cego / No Way Out (1950)

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Saturday, February 18, 2017

O Ódio é Cego / No Way Out (1950)

Existe algo pior que ser um ladrão? Claro: ser um ladrão RACISTA! Quando havia menos tensão, Martin Luther King era praticamente desconhecido e a marcha pelos direitos iguais era apenas um sonho, Hollywood lidou com o racismo e nos apresentou um ator que se tornaria uma lenda: Sidney Poitier.

Is there anything worse than being a thief? Of course: being a RACIST thief! When there was less racial tension, Martin Luther King was virtually unknown and the march for racial equality was nothing but a dream, Hollywood tackled racism and introduced an actor who would become a legend: Sidney Poitier.
O jovem e brilhante Luther Brooks (Poitier) acabou de passar seu último exame e começou a trabalhar como médico. Infelizmente, os primeiros pacientes que ele trata são dois ladrões que foram feridos enquanto roubavam um posto de gasolina. Eles são os irmãos Ray (Richard Widmark) e Johnny (Dick Paxton).

The young and bright Luther Brooks (Poitier) has just passed his final college exams and started working as a physician. Unfortunately, the first patients he treats are two thieves who were wounded while robbing a gas station. They are the brothers Ray (Richard Widmark) and Johnny (Dick Paxton).
Ray é nervoso, grosso e reclama demais, tudo porque ele não confia em um médico negro – quando ele vê Luther pela primeira vez, ele cospe no chão e manda o médico pegar seu esfregão e limpar o cuspe. Luther trata os irmãos com justiça na área prisional do hospital, mas Johnny morre. Ray acredita que Luther matou seu irmão de propósito, e começa a planejar a vingança.

Ray is angry, rude and complains a lot, in special because he can’t trust a black doctor – when he first sees Luther he spits on the floor and tells him to get his mop and clean. Luther treats the brothers fairly in the prison ward of the hospital, but Johnny dies. Ray believes Luther killed his brother on purpose, and starts plotting revenge.
Toda primeira perda hospitalar de um jovem médico é um acontecimento importante, às vezes um choque. Mas a primeira perda de Luther é mais perigosa. Ray está cego pela dor e, acima de tudo, pelo preconceito. Ele não aceita que seu irmão já era um homem doente antes de levar o tiro. Luther se preocupa com o fato de Ray acreditar que ele matou Johnny. Luther percebe que corre perigo e decide provar que Johnny não morreu em decorrência do tiro ou do tratamento que recebeu no hospital.

Every young doctor’s first hospital loss is a milestone, sometimes a shock. But Luther’s first loss is more dangerous. Ray is blinded by pain and, above all, prejudice. He can’t accept that his brother was already a sick man before getting shot. Luther and is worried about Ray thinking he murdered Johnny. Luther can sense the danger coming, and wants to prove that Johnny didn’t die because of the shot or hospital treatment.
Não é apenas com palavras e ações que Ray ataca Luther. Ele também olha para o médico com imenso nojo. E ele espalha seu racismo.Ele convence sua ex-amante e ex-cunhada, Edie Johnson (Linda Darnell), de que Luther matou Johnny. Mesmo de dentro do hospital ele incita um ataque de brancos contra o bairro negro onde Luther mora.

It’s not only with words and actions that Ray attacks Luther. He also looks at the doctor with utter disgust. And he spreads his racism. He convinces his former lover and former sister-in-law, Edie Johnson (Linda Darnell), that Luther killed Johnny. Even inside the hospital prison warden, he starts an attack of white people against the black neighborhood Luther comes from.
Este filme mostra como o racismo – e o preconceito em geral – é fruto da ignorância, ou melhor, da falta de reflexão. Ray manipula os sentimentos de Edie usando “fatos alternativos” e a coloca contra o doutor Luther. Mais tarde, ela entra em contato com os negros que ajudou a maltratar e, quando é bem tratada por eles, ela percebe que cometeu um erro ao ser racista e buscar vingança.

This film shows how racism – and prejudice in general – is the child of ignorance, or better, lack of proper reflection. Ray manipulates Edie’s feelings by using “alternative facts” and puts her against Doctor Luther. Later, she gets in touch with the black people she might have helped hurt and, upon being treated well by them, realizes the mistake she has made in being racist and looking for vengeance.
Este foi o primeiro filme de Sidney Poitier e, embora ele seja o quarto nos créditos, ele é a grande estrela. Desde este primeiro filme ele construiu sua persona, a de um homem negro inteligente, educado e muito correto, como se a plateia só fosse capaz de aceitar uma estrela negra se ele fosse um santo. Mesmo assim, “O Ódio é Cego”, um grande sucesso de bilheteria, foi banido em algumas cidades e considerado anti-americano pela HUAC (Casa das Atividades Anti-Americanas).

This was Sidney Poitier’s first feature film and, even though he is the fourth billed, he is the star. Since this first film he built his persona of an extremely smart, polite and correct black man, as if movie-going audiences could only accept a black star if he was a saint. Nevertheless, “No Way Out”, a big box-office success, was banned in some cities and considered un-American by HUAC (House of Un-American Activities).
Mesmo sendo Poitier a força motriz da película, Linda Darnell e Richard Widmark também merecem elogios. Widmark e Poitier se tornaram amigos, e Widmark se desculpava com Poitier após cada take em que seu personagem ofendia o doutor Luther.  

Despite Poitier being the main force, Linda Darnell and Richard Widmark also deserve praise. Widmark and Poitier quickly became good friends, with Widmark apologizing Sidney after each take in which his character treated doctor Luther badly.
Good friends
Foi o começo de uma carreira luminosa para Poitier. Foi também um grande acontecimento para seus pais nas Bahamas, porque “O Ódio é Cego” foi o primeiro filme que eles viram no cinema. Foi uma fonte de orgulho colossal para o senhor e a senhora Poitier, e ainda é um filme necessário, emocionante e cheio de suspense, que deveria ser visto por todas as pessoas da Terra.

It was the beginning of a luminous career for Poitier. It was also a milestone for his parents in the Bahamas, because “No Way Out” was the first film they ever saw in a movie theater. It was a source of colossal pride for Mr and Mrs Poitier, and it still is a necessary, chilling and poignant movie every person on Earth should watch.

This is my contribution to the 90 Years of Sidney Poitier blogathon, hosted by pal Virginie at The wonderful World of Cinema.


Caftan Woman said...

Excellent choice for the blogathon, my friend. What a charming story about Sidney's parents and this film. It is a good movie, an exciting movie and, in theme, an important movie. Hollywood used to be able to combine those elements. Joseph Mankiewicz certainly was on a roll in that era.

Rich said...

Widmark is quite good in this as well, in what had to be a difficult role.

Virginie Pronovost said...

Excellent review Leticia! I always enjoy so much reading your stuff :) I saw this film not a long time ago for the first time and thought it was great. Thanks again for your participation to the blogaton!

Jocelyn said...

Nice review! I really do need to see this. I find it interesting that in the very first film he starred in, his persona was pretty much set. Mankewicz et al. are to be commended in seeing Poitier's unique talent and putting it to work.

Flapper Dame 16 said...

I have been wanting to see this film for a while now- I like Linda Darnell, but now that I know Sidney is awesome (as well as richard widmark) I gotta see it like NOW! I'm gonna have to look out for this- wonderful review btw! as always! :)

Silver Screenings said...

I agree this is a timely film, and Sidney Poitier is FANTASTIC here. You'd never know it was his first film.

I'm glad you focused on the ignorance of Richard Widmark's character. He didn't even know what an autopsy is, for pete sake, or why someone would perform one. But that didn't stop him from spreading misinformation. Poitier's character in this film has the patience of a saint!

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