} Crítica Retrô: Myrna Loy e Jean Harlow: uma amizade

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Saturday, September 23, 2017

Myrna Loy e Jean Harlow: uma amizade

Myrna Loy and Jean Harlow: a friendship

Myrna Williams nasceu em dois de agosto de 1905 em Helena, Montana. Harlean Carpenter nasceu em três de março de 1911 em Kansas City, Missouri. Myrna, agora com o sobrenome Loy, fez seu primeiro filme em 1925. Harlean, agora com o nome Jean Harlow, fez seu primeiro filme em 1928. Em 1934, as duas mulheres se conheceram por intermédio de um homem que ambas amavam – mas Myrna o amava apenas nas telas, e Jean na vida real.

Myrna Williams was born on August 2nd 1905 in Helena, Montana. Harlean Carpenter was born on March 3rd 1911 in Kansas City, Missouri. Myrna, now with the last name Loy, made her first movie in 1925. Harlean, now renamed Jean Harlow, made her first movie in 1928. In 1934, the two women were presented to each other by a man they both loved – but Myrna loved him on screen only, and Jean in real life.

Foi durante um programa de rádio para promover o filme “A Ceia dos Acusados” (1934) que William Powell apresentou sua namorada Jean Harlow para Myrna Loy, sua companheira de cena. Elas logo de cara gostaram uma da outra. Em sua autobiografia, “Being and Becoming”, Myrna Loy se lembra de Harlow:

It was during a radio show appearance to promote “The Thin Man” (1934) that William Powell introduced his girlfriend Jean Harlow to Myrna Loy, his screen partner. They immediately liked each other. In her memoir, “Being and Becoming”, Myrna Loy remembers Harlow:

Jean era sempre muito alegre, divertida, mas ela também era uma mulher sensível com grande dose de autorrespeito. Todo o resto – aquilo era artificial. Ela não era daquele jeito. Ela era apenas uma boa atriz que criou uma caracterização cheia de vida que exalava sex appeal.”.

Jean was always very cheerful, full of fun, but she also happened to be a sensitive woman with a great deal of self-respect. All that other stuff – that was all put on. She wasn't like that at all. She just happened to be a good actress who created a lively characterization that exuded sex appeal.”.

Em 1934, Jean Harlow já havia passado por algumas situações difíceis e estava, finalmente, feliz em sua vida amorosa. Ela estava feliz com Bill, e ficando contente com sua carreira. E em breve ela veria que tinha Myrna como amiga. Quando ela finalmente contracenou com Loy, Jean estava mudando sua persona cinematográfica.

By 1934, Jean Harlow had already had some rough times and was, finally, happy with her love life. She was happy with Bill, and getting happier with her career. And soon now she’d realized she had a friend in Myrna. When she finally worked with Loy, she was making changes in her film persona.

Myrna e Jean fizeram dois filmes juntas, e ambos estrearam em 1936. O que eu acho interessante é que, embora os filmes tenham duas das maiores estrelas da MGM, Myrna e Jean não são colocadas para competir entre si – pelo menos não deliberadamente e de maneira negativa.

Myrna and Jean appeared in two movies together, both released in 1936. What I find interesting is that, although these films have two big stars from MGM, in none of them they are put against each other to compete – at least not in a negative and deliberate way.

Em “Ciúmes”, a esposa Linda, interpretada por Myrna, apenas fica com ciúmes da secretária Whitey, interpretada por Jean, porque é levada a acreditar que ela está seduzindo seu marido, Van, interpretado porClark Gable. Linda ouve coisas ruins sobre Whitey, que não é uma predadora sexual, mas sim uma secretária séria.

In “Wife vs Secretary”, the wife Linda, played by Myrna, only becomes jealous of the secretary Whitey, played by Jean, because she is led to believe that the blonde beauty is seducing her husband, Van, played by Clark Gable. Linda is poisoned against Whitey, who isn’t a man hunter, but a serious secretary.

Em “Casado com Minha Noiva”, Jean e Myrna têm ainda menos tempo juntas em cena. No filme, Gladys (Jean) está ansiosa para se casar com Warren, um jornalista interpretado por Spencer Tracy. Mas ele não pode pensar em casamento porque está sendo processado pela herdeira Connie (Myrna) por causa de uma história que ele publicou sobre a vida amorosa dela. Então, ele decide juntar Connie e Bill (William Powell), um antigo repórter.

In “Libeled Lady”, Jean and Myrna have even less screen time together. In this movie, Gladys (Jean) is really looking forward to getting married to Warren, a journalist played by Spencer Tracy. But he can't think about marriage while he is being sued by heiress Connie (Myrna) because of a story he published about her love life. So, he decides to set Connie up with Bill (William Powell), a former reporter.

Mesmo que “Ciúmes” seja divertido – e tenha também James Stewart bem novinho! – eu acredito que “Casado com Minha Noiva” é um filme melhor. É amalucado, romântico e muito divertido – duas palavras: Bill pescando! Todos os atores envolvidos no filme concordaram comigo, porque, de acordo com Myrna, as filmagens de “Casado com Minha Noiva” foram muito agradáveis e durante os intervalos os atores permaneciam juntos conversando.

Although “Wife vs Secretary” is quite enjoyable – and has a very young James Stewart! - I believe that “Libeled Lady” is a superior film. It's zany, romantic and extremely funny – two words: Bill fishing! All the actors involved agreed with me, because, according to Myrna, the filming of “Libeled Lady” was very pleasant and during breaks the four actors stayed together chatting and laughing.

Jean e Myrna se divertiam juntas, mas só se tornaram amigas íntimas durante as filmagens de “A Comédia dos Acusados” (1936). Foi durante uma viagem de trem que esta história aconteceu – minha anedota favorita envolvendo Myrna Loy. Considerando que “A Comédia dos Acusados” estreou depois dos outros dois filmes que Jean e Myrna fizeram juntas, isto provavelmente aconteceu depois de terem filmado “Ciúmes” e “Casado com Minha Noiva”.

Jean and Myrna had fun together, but they only became intimate friends during the filming of “Another Thin Man” (1936). It was during a train trip that this fun story happened – my favorite anecdote involving Myrna Loy. Considering that “Another Thin Man” was released after the two films Jean and Myrna did together, this probably happened after the shooting of both “Wife vs Secretary” and “Libeled Lady”.

Myrna, Jean e William Powell estavam viajando de trem. Quando eles chegaram ao hotel St. Francis, descobriram que uma suíte chique já havia sido preparada para o famoso casal Powell e Loy, e havia apenas um pequeno quarto disponível para Harlow. Já que Myrna e Bill eram tão bons juntos, a gerência do hotel pensou que eles eram um casal na vida real! A situação foi resolvida colocando Bill no quartinho e as duas moças na suíte. Elas passaram a noite rindo, bebendo e conversando, e a amizade se fortaleceu.

Myrna, Jean and William Powell were travelling by train. When they arrived at the St. Francis Hotel, they found out that a fancy suite had been booked by the famous couple Powell and Loy, with only a small room left available for Harlow. Since Myrna and Bill worked so well together, the management of the hotel thought they were a couple in real life! The situation was solved leaving Bill in the small room and the two girls in the suite. They spent the night laughing, drinking and chatting, and their friendship became stronger.

Aquela confusão me deu uma das melhores amizades. Você poderia imaginar que Jean e eu éramos meninas na escola, de tanto que nos divertimos. Nós ficamos metade da noite acordadas, conversando e tomando gim, às vezes rindo, às vezes discutindo coisas mais sérias...”

That mix-up brought me one of my most cherished friendships. You would have thought Jean and I were in boarding school we had so much fun. We'd stay up half the night talking and sipping gin, sometimes laughing, sometimes discussing more serious things...” 

Jean Harlow fez mais dois filmes depois de “Casado com Minha Noiva” e, eu uma das mais tristes histórias em Hollywood, morreu com apenas 26 anos, deixando seu amado Bill e seus grandes amigos Myrna e Clark Gable devastados.

Jean Harlow made two more movies after “Libeled Lady” and, in one the saddest departures in Hollywood, died at only 26, leaving her beau Bill and her close friends Myrna and Clark Gable devastated.

Foi terrível, um choque horrível; eu amava Jean profundamente. Eu senti uma mistura nauseante de luto, culpa e frustração porque eu não fui capaz de fazer o que poderia tê-la salvado: afastado-a da mãe para que fosse examinada”.

"It was horrible, an awful blow; I loved Jean deeply. I felt a sickening mixture of grief, guilt, and frustration because I hadn't been able to do what might have saved her: get her away from her mother for an examination”.

Se Jean tivesse vivido mais, ela poderia ter trabalhado mais vezes com Myrna – mas eu acho que ela preferiria se casar com Bill (com myrna Loy de madrinha, claro) e deixar o cinema. Mesmo que breve, a amizade de Jean e Myrna foi forte e bela, e podemos sentir isso quando vemos as duas juntas na tela.

If Jean had lived, she could have worked more with Myrna – but I think she’d prefer to marry Bill (with Myrna Loy as a bridesmaid, of course), and retire from the movies. Although brief, Jean and Myrna’s friendship was strong and beautiful, and we can sense it when we see them on screen.

This is my contribution to the Duo Double Feature Blogathon, hosted by Laura at Phillys Loves Classic Movies and Emily at The Flapper Dame.


Flapper Dame 16 said...

This is beautiful. amazing. beyond wonderful. You wrote so lovingly of these two ladies- and I love how yes basically they shared the same love interests on screen- but off screen they were all just good pals. Jean and Myrna could have been so fantastic in more movies- and YES- YOU NAILED IT when you said Myrna would have been bridesmaid to Jean at her wedding to Bill Powell- and He would have loved that too!!! I am so touched at your post!!!!

Thanks so much for writing and choosing this special pair!

Oh Gosh-- I could cry! They are so brilliant (and you writing it makes it even more so!!)

Brittaney said...

I love that you wrote about two famous classic film actresses who actually got along. I get tired of reading all the competitive negative side aspects of film/acting relationships, particularly about women. Loy and Harlow's friendship is refreshing and it's so sad that Jean died in her prime.

Michaela said...

Lovely post! I just adore these two gorgeous women and it's thrilling to know they were the best of friends. I think we all wish we could have been part of that group!

Raquel Stecher said...

This was very nice Le! I love their friendship and you did a wonderful job portraying their bond in your post.

Caftan Woman said...

Two women I believe it would have been lovely to know. We are blessed that we have their film work to enjoy.

Two worlds "Bill fishing"! Oh my, yes!

Silver Screenings said...

HA! I laughed out loud at the words "Bill Fishing". What a fabulous sight.

I didn't realize Myrna Loy and Jean Harlow were such warm friends. Like a previous commenter said, it's refreshing to read about two Hollywood women supporting each other. Thanks for sharing this! :)

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