} Crítica Retrô: Sereais do Cinema / Movie Mermaids

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Sunday, August 7, 2022

Sereais do Cinema / Movie Mermaids


Uma era australiana. A outra era norte-americana. Uma começou a nadar na infância para fortalecer as pernas. A outra era uma promessa olímpica que não foi aos jogos devido à Segunda Guerra Mundial. Ambas fizeram história no cinema, até que a outra interpretou a primeira numa cinebiografia, “A Rainha do Mar” (1952). Elas foram Annette Kellerman e Esther Williams, as duas maiores sereias do cinema. Vamos mergulhar na vida de cada uma delas neste infográfico (clique para aumentar):

One was Australian. The other was American. One started swimming at an early age to strengthen her legs. The other was an Olympic promise who missed the games because of World War II. Both made history with the movies, to the point that the other played the one in a biopic, “Million Dollar Mermaid” (1952). They were Annette Kellerman and Esther Williams, the two biggest movie mermaids. Let’s dive deeper into their lives in this infographic (click to enlarge):


This is my contribution to the Third Esther Williams blogathon, hosted by Michaela at Love Letters to Old Hollywood.


Michaela said...

What a fun infographic! Given how Esther was the only actress swimming in film at the time, it always amazes me that there was still someone she could play in a biopic.

Thanks for contributing to my event!

Rebecca Deniston said...

This is really cool! I haven't seen "Million Dollar Mermaid" yet, but I always wonder if Esther had to imitate an Australian accent.

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