} Crítica Retrô: #AtTheCircus blogathon – Update and Entries

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Friday, November 11, 2016

#AtTheCircus blogathon – Update and Entries

It has been a terrible week. Many of us, smart people, bloggers with a good heart who hoped and fought for a better world, felt deceived and hopeless. Some participants from the #AtTheCircus blogathon said they’d have a hard time concentrating and writing a review for the event.

In a TRUE democratic way, I posted a poll on Twitter and asked as many participants as I could find there about the possibility of postponing the event. Some said yes, some said no. Some bloggers thought we needed a little laughter and distraction coming from the circus. The “no postponing” won, but nobody here will be left behind. We, film bloggers, classic film bloggers in special, are like a circus: not only a group, but a family.
If your piece is already written, publish it and send us. If you use writing and movies as a healing therapy, do it and submit your entry. If you don’t feel like blogging right now, no worries: this will be just the first weekend of the #AtTheCircus blogathon. The show starts now, and the Grand Finale will be on late November or early December, on a date yet to be decided. Then, you can have time, spirit and will to write your reviews. And you can always read the entries coming this weekend and feel a little better.

And, considering I’d write about some tragic circus films, I’m changing my topic for this weekend. We’ll see later, but it’ll be fun, light… AND MEXICAN. ;)

The attractions for the first weekend are:


FlickChick said...

Hello, my dear. My post is up at

Anonymous said...

Hi Le,

My post is up: https://thoughtsallsorts.wordpress.com/2016/11/12/absolutely-magical-cirque-du-soleil-worlds-away/

Thanks so much for having me! It has been absolutely wonderful.

Quiggy said...

The freak show entry is ready


Anonymous said...

Lovely post, Le, your charming and slightly distracted co-hostess is ready to for a timely and welcome distraction, thank you for this amazing theme, and inviting me to join I really look forward to reading everyone's posts!


Joe Thompson said...

Hi Lê. I finished my post before the election.
The Big V Riot Squad
Charlie Chapin and the Flea Circus

- Joe Thompson ;0)

Michaela said...

Hey Le! Here's my post:

Thanks for co-hosting this!

Caftan Woman said...

A night out with the Chan clan: http://www.caftanwoman.com/2016/11/at-circus-blogathon-charlie-chan-at.html

The Metzinger Sisters said...

Hi Le! I was planning on posting "The Greatest Show on Earth" today, but my brain seems to be falling asleep and I cannot think of a decent ending, so I may not publish it till next week. Instead, I'll read these great circus entries!

The Metzinger Sisters said...

Tickets to The Greatest Show on Earth are now available :


I hope we didn't miss the Circus blogathon!

Jaina said...

Ah, finally got myself together and finished my post! Thanks for your patience, Le!


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