Quem não gosta de filmes com cientistas malucos?
Sejam eles aterrorizantes, sofridos ou mesmo carismáticos, os personagens que
dedicam tanto sua vida à ciência a ponto de perder a sanidade são sempre
fascinantes. Em um artigo publicado em 2005 na revista New Scientist, foi
descoberto que, de 1000 filmes de terror que estrearam na Inglaterra entre 1930
e 1980, 30% (305) tinham um cientista louco como personagem. Nosso cientista
maluco de hoje veio antes mesmo destes 1000 filmes da pesquisa, e certamente
abriu um difícil, porém fértil caminho para eles. Afinal, é quase impossível
ser um cientista mais maluco que Lon Chaney.
Who doesn't like movies
about mad scientists? No matter if they are terrifying, tragic or even
sympathetic: the characters who sacrifice their sanity in the name of science
are always fascinating. In an article published in 2005 in the New Scientist magazine, it was noted that, out of 1000 horror films released in England
between 1930 and 1980, 30% (305) had a mad scientist as a character. Our mad
scientist here came even before the thousand movies in the research, and
certainly opened a difficult, albeit fertile, path to them. After all it is
hard to be a madder scientist than Lon Chaney.
Após um acidente de carro, o fazendeiro John
Bowman desaparece. A polícia e a equipe da seguradora não têm mais esperança de
encontrá-lo, mas Johnny Goodlittle (Johnny Arthur), aspirante a detetive,
acredita que há um mistério muito maior por trás do desaparecimento. Enquanto
não se torna um detetive profissional, Johnny é vendedor e disputa com Amos
Rugg (Hallam Cooley) o amor de Betty Watson (Gertrude Olmstead).
After a car crash, farmer
John Bowman disappears. The police and the insurance company have no more hopes
of finding him, but Johnny Goodlittle (Johnny Arthur), a wannabe detective,
believes in a bigger mystery behind the disappearance. While he is not a
professional detective, Johnny is a clerk and fights with Amos Rugg (Hallam
Cooley) for the love of Betty Watson (Gertrude Olmstead).
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Nosso "herói" / Our "hero" |
Depois de uma festa e de outro acidente de carro,
Johnny, Amos e Betty chegam ao sanatório aparentemente abandonado, procurando
um telefone para pedir ajuda. Mas o lugar é habitado, e o novo responsável
pelos doentes, Doutor Gustav Ziska (Lon Chaney, com uma quantidade
surpreendentemente mínima de maquiagem) insiste para que eles passem a noite
lá... sem a garantia de estarem vivos pela manhã.
After a party and another
car crash, Johnny, Amos and Betty arrive at an apparently abandoned sanatorium,
looking for a phone to call for help. But there are people living there, and
the responsible for the sick men, Doctor Gustav Ziska (Lon Chaney, with
surprisingly just a little make-up), insists for them to spend the night
there... without guaranteeing they will be alive in the morning.
Algum tempo depois, os três, desacordados, são
levados para o subsolo do sanatório, onde as habilidades detetivescas de Johnny
ajudam – e muito! Em uma passagem subterrânea, ele encontra o Doutor Edwards
(Herbert Prior), o verdadeiro responsável pelo local. Ziska já foi um famoso
cirurgião e agora é um paciente que, com a ajuda de outros loucos, prendeu
doutor Edwards e tomou conta do sanatório.
A few minutes later, the
three of them, unconscious, are taken to the sanatorium's underground, where
Johnny's skills as a detective help – a lot! In an underground passage he finds
Doctor Edwards (Herbert Prior), the real man responsible for the place. Ziska
was once a famous surgeon and now is a patient who locked doctor Edwards with
the help of the other patients and dominated the sanatorium.
O objetivo de Ziska é fazer algumas experiências
no laboratório, um lugar sombrio muito parecido com o ambiente de trabalho do
doutor Frankenstein. Cadeiras que prendem a cobaia, macas para experimentos,
grandes máquinas elétricas, raios, trovões e tempestade lá fora. A experiência
inédita é sem dúvida a mais louca já vista pela plateia do cinema mudo: colocar
a alma de um homem no corpo de uma mulher!!! Mas, atenção: o que mais deixa o
doutor Ziska maluco é... ser chamado de cientista maluco!
Ziska's goal is to make
some experiences at the lab, a dark placed that looks a lot like doctor
Frankenstein's workplace. Chairs that hold victims tight, hammocks for
experiments, big electrical machines, lightining, thunders and storms out
there. The brand new experience is without a doubt the craziest ever seen by
a silent movie audience: put a man's soul in a woman's body!!! But, attention:
what drives doctor Ziska mad is... being called a mad scientist!
Os dois personagens masculinos principais, Johnny
e Amos, são muito semelhantes fisicamente, e isso às vezes atrapalha. São ambos
morenos e usam bigode, embora Johnny seja mais baixo. Quando não estão juntos
em cena, são necessários alguns segundos para identificarmos quem realmente
estamos vendo. Johnny, o mais fraco e atrapalhado, é sem dúvida o protagonista,
e em duas cenas ele faz acrobacias dignas de Buster Keaton: em sua entrada no
sanatório por uma rampa e no momento em que ele precisa andar sob fios de alta
tensão para escapar do capanga do Doutor Ziska.
The two main characters,
Johnny and Amos, look alike, and sometimes this is a problem. Both have dark
hair and a mustache, but Johnny is shorter. When they are not together in a
scene, we need some seconds to identify who we are seeing. Johnny, weakier and
clumsier, is without a doubt the main character, and in two scenes he does
acrobactic stunts that could have been made by Buster Keaton: when he enters
the sanatorium through a ramp and when he needs to walk in high-tension cables
in order to escape Doctor Ziska's minion.
O filme não pode ser classificado em um só
gênero. Os momentos em que Lon Chaney aparece, e também logo que os personagens
entram no sanatório, são cheios de suspense e terror. Mas há também muito
humor, seja na presença atrapalhada de Johnny ou nos intertítulos hilários.
The film can't be
classified in only one genre. When Lon Chaney is on the screen, and also right
after the characters enter the sanatorium, there is a lot of thrill and horror.
But there is also a lot of humour, with Johnny's goofy presence or the hilarious
Este não é o melhor filme de Lon Chaney. Assim
como em outros em que seu papel é reduzido a poucas, porém vitais cenas (como
“Oliver Twist”, de 1921), é quando Chaney aparece que tudo fica melhor.
Entretanto, Chaney tem a honra de ser o primeiro cientista louco do cinema a
ter capangas, ou seja, o Doutor Ziska de Lon Chaney é o tataravô de Gru e seus
This is not Lon Chaney's
best film. Like in other movies in which he has few, but vital scenes (like
“Oliver Twist”, from 1921), it is when Chaney arrives that everything gets
better. And Chaney has the honor of being the first mad scientist in movie
history to have minions. This means that Lon Chaney's Doctor Ziska is the
great-grandfather of Gru and his minions!
Não é o melhor filme de Lon Chaney. Mas é um
filme com Lon Chaney. E isso já faz dele digno de ser visto. Afinal, este é um
filme para treinar sua... engenhosidade!
It is not Lon Chaney's
best film. But it is a Lon Chaney film. And this alone makes it a film to be
seen. After all, this is a film to train your... ingenuity!
is my contribution to the Movie Scientist Blogathon, hosted by Ruth
at Silver Screenings and Christina Wehner.
I was getting a slight chill just looking at the images you posted. This film looks like it has lots of sinister atmosphere!
I didn't realize that so many horror films featured mad scientists – thanks for including that research. I guess, when you think about it, it's a perfect fit. A brilliant mind that's gone a bit wacko always makes for a great movie!
Thanks so much for joining the blogathon, and for bringing Lon Chaney. It's never a party until you arrive. :)
I have recently been discovering Lon Chaney's films and this sounds so a creepy kind of way! Lon Chaney looks like he's thoroughly enjoying himself, too, in those images.
Thanks for introducing me to a new Lon Chaney and a new mad scientist! So glad you could participate in the blogathon!
I didn't think much of this film upon first viewing, but may give it another chance someday. All of the good parts didn't seem to come together very well.
eu amo filmes malucos. falei de um filme clássico no meu blog. beijos, pedrita
Thank you for the stats on Mads in horror movies—I was wondering but didn't take that essential research step...
This movie is new to me and I'll make sure to watch it when the opportunity presents itself. One of the ways people who don't "get" classic films get everything wrong is in assuming that in the past people were serious about everything—that is, I think many people would have trouble understanding that a silent film could be both a horror film and also have comic characters and scenes. But of course we're not any smarter than our forbears—we just think we are.
Enjoyed reading this. Don't forget to read my post (in the Day 3 recap)!
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