} Crítica Retrô: Desenho Retrô: Manda-Chuva

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Saturday, March 21, 2020

Desenho Retrô: Manda-Chuva

Retro Cartoon: Top Cat

Um dos meus desenhos favoritos de quando eu tinha uns oito anos de idade era “Manda-Chuva”. Não sei dizer exatamente o porquê de eu gostar tanto deste desenho – talvez porque era muito bacana e colorido? Talvez porque os gatos do beco usavam roupas? De qualquer forma, eu fiquei surpresa quando, recentemente, percebi que “Manda-Chuva” teve apenas UMA temporada – só 30 episódios! E, mesmo assim, deixou uma grande marca nas mentes dos amantes de desenhos – inclusive em minha mente.

One of my favorite cartoons as a kid of about eight years old was “Top Cat”. I can't exactly say why I liked that cartoon so much – maybe because it was so groovy and colorful? Maybe because the alley cats wore clothes? Well, anyway, I was surprised when, recently, I realized “Top Cat” only had ONE season – only 30 episodes! And, nevertheless, it left a huge mark on the minds of cartoon lovers – including my mind.

Dos seis gatos principais, meu favorito é o Xuxu. Ele é rosa, quieto, dramático e – a principal razão de eu gostar dele – ele usa um suéter branco de gola rulê. Xuxu é um cara blasé, calmo e elegante. Na verdade, meu episódio favorito de “Manda-Chuva” tem Xuxu como protagonista da ação: é o episódio 24, “Xuxu Fica Gagá”.

Out of the six main cats, my favorite is Choo-Choo. He is pink, quiet, dramatic and – the main reason why I like him – he wears a white sweater with a turtleneck. Choo-Choo is a blasé, calm, fashion guy. In fact, my favorite “Top Cat” episode puts Choo-Choo front and center in the action: it's episode 24, “Choo-Choo Goes Ga-Ga”.

O episódio começa com Manda-Chuva levando seus amigos Gênio, Bacana, Espeto e Batatinha para o parque para ver gatinhas. Eles não encontram gatinhas, mas veem Xuxu, que está prestes a pular da ponte porque está apaixonado pela estrela de cinema felina Lola Glamour e não consegue declarar seu amor por ela.

The episode begins with Top Cat taking his pals Brain, Fancy-Fancy, Spook and Benny to the park to see pretty kittens. They find no kittens there, but they see Choo-Choo, who is about to jump from a bridge because he's in love with feline movie star Lola Glamour and can't confess his feelings for her.

Lola mora no Hotel Ritzy Plaza. Ela toma café da manhã na cama, sempre recebe presentes dos admiradores, sai com marajás e barões e possui montes de joias. Ela também é um pouco antipática. Xuxu será capaz de conquistá-la? O primeiro desafio será entrar no hotel, mas Manda-Chuva se encarregou desta missão. Ele também dirá a Lola que Xuxu é na verdade o Conde Chooch – um milionário que é dono do Texas. O maior desafio será Xuxu vencer sua timidez.

Lola lives at the Ritzy Plaza Hotel. She eats breakfast in bed, always receives presents from admirers, goes out with barons and maharajahs and owns tons of jewels. She is a bit unsympathetic, too. Can Choo-Choo woo her? The first challenge will be to enter the hotel, but Top Cat got this mission. He will also tell Lola that Choo-Choo is actually Count Chooch – a millionaire who is the owner of Texas. The bigger challenge will be for Choo-Choo to overcome his shyness.

Esta não foi a primeira vez que Xuxu se apaixonou. Em um episódio anterior – “O Romance de Xuxu” - o gato rosa se apaixona por uma gata francesa chamada Goldie. No início, Manda-Chuva crê que o romance de Xuxu não pode dar certo, porque se der certo ele abandonará o grupo, mas quando descobre que Goldie tem um namorado, ele insiste em ajudar Xuxu a impressioná-la – primeiro ao salvá-la de bandidos, depois ao escrever poemas de amor.

This was not the first time Choo-Choo fell in love. In a previous episode – “Choo-Choo's Romance” - the pink cat becomes infatuated with a French kitten called Goldie. At first, Top cat thinks Choo-Choo's romance must sink, because if it is successful he'll abandon the group, but once he finds out Goldie has a boyfriend, he insists on helping Choo-Choo woo her – first by saving her from criminals, then by writing love poems.

“Manda-Chuva” foi inspirado pelos East Side Kids – um grupo de jovens atores originado nos Dead End Kids dos anos 1930 –, “The Phil Silvers Show”, que foi ao ar entre 1955 e 1959 e ao desenho de Hanna-Barbera “Joca e Dingue-Lingue”. Os gatos no desenho estavam sempre armando esquemas para enriquecer rápido ou conseguir uma boa refeição de graça. O Guarda Belo estava sempre por perto monitorando a gangue felina.

“Top Cat” was inspired by the East Side Kids – a group of youg actors originated in the 1930s Dead End Kids –, “The Phil Silvers Show”, that was broadcast between 1955 and 1959 and the Hanna-Barbera cartoon “Hokey Wolf”. The cats in the cartoon were always scheming some way to get rich quick or get a good meal for free. Officer Dibble was always around monitoring the feline gang.

Nos EUA, Arnold Stang dublava Manda-Chuva e Marvin Kaplan dublava Xuxu. Como curiosidade, a atriz Jean Vander Pyl dublou Goldie e Lola, as duas gatas por quem Xuxu se apaixona.  No Brasil, o ator Lima Duarte, então no começo da carreira, dublou Manda-Chuva e Espeto, com um sotaque bem diferente. O dublador Waldir Guedes dublou Xuxu e Bacana.

In the US, Arnold Stang voiced Top Cat and Marvin Kaplan voiced Choo-Choo. As a curiosity, actress Jean Vander Pyl voiced Goldie and Lola, the two cats Choo-Choo falls in love with. In Brazil, actor Lima Duarte, then in the beginning of his career, voiced Top Cat and also Spook, with a very different accent. Voice artist Waldir Guedes voiced both Choo-Choo and Fancy-Fancy.

Rever “Manda-Chuva” já adulta me permitiu rir de piadas que eu não compreendi quando era criança. Eu acredito que a maioria dos desenhos tem um pouco de conteúdo só para adultos, porque crianças não entendem algumas piadas e trocadilhos. Conforme eu revia o desenho, eu também vi que talvez, eu goste de Xuxu porque ele é como eu: quieto, dramático, tímido e muito elegante (hahaha).

Rewatching “Top Cat” as an adult allowed me to laugh at jokes that fell flat when I was a kid. I believe most cartoons really have a bit of their content made for adults only, because kids can't understand some jokes or puns. As I rewatched the cartoon, I also saw that, maybe, I like Choo-Choo because he is like me: quiet, dramatic, shy, and with great fashion sense (LOL).

Piadas à parte, eu acredito que “Manda-Chuva” foi cancelado cedo demais. Com seus episódios simples mas interessantes, eu posso imaginar o desenho durante muitas temporadas sem cansar. Infelizmente, o desenho teve muito mais sucesso na América Latina do que nos EUA. “Manda-Chuva” sobreviveu por uma década como história em quadrinhos e foi revivido por um estúdio de animação mexicano para dois longas em 2011 e 2015. Os novos filmes não foram grandes sucessos – e nós nunca saberemos que outras aventuras nossos amigos gatos poderiam ter vivido no desenho se ele tivesse durado mais um pouco.

Jokes aside, I believe “Top Cat” was cancelled too soon. With its simple yet amusing episodes, I could see the cartoon lasting many seasons without getting boring. Unfortunately, it was way more successful in Latin America than in the US. “Top Cat” survived for over a decade as a comic book and was revived by a Mexican animated studio for two features in 2011 and 2015. The revival was not very successful – and we'll never know the further adventures our cat friends could have lived in the cartoon if it had lasted longer.

This is my contribution to the 6th Annual Favourite TV Show Episode Blogathon, hosted by Terry at At Shroud of Thoughts.


Terence Towles Canote said...

Top Cat was one of my favourite cartoons as a kid. They aired here on Saturday morning What I didn't know then is that the cartoon wasn't made for kids. It originally aired in primetime in 1962 and was made for adults! Of course, while it failed in primetime it proved to be a hit with kids. Reruns ran on Saturday mornings for years (the show was already about 8 years old when I first saw it).

Anyway, I have always loved Top Cat, especially as it was inspired by The Phil Silvers Show. My favourite character was always Top Cat (the Sgt. Bilko on the show), but Choo Choo was a close second. Anyway, I can sympathise with Choo Choo falling in love with a movie star, although fortunately mine preferred poor writers to counts and millionaires. Anyway, Lê, thank you for writing about one of my childhood favourites and taking part in the blogathon!

Caftan Woman said...

I'm going to think of you as Choo-Choo from now on!

You brought back such memories with your article. I believe that Allen Jenkins as Officer Dibble was the first voice actor/old movie actor connection that I made in my life.

Silver Screenings said...

Thanks for the introduction to Top Cat. This animated series is new to me, but I see there are some clips on YouTube. I can see how it could become a favourite.

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